The African state of Ghana’s “right of abode” law—which grants residence and citizenship to any person of black racial descent—is one of the clearest roadmaps to achieving world racial peace.
The basis of Ghana’s law—that of encouraging races to congregate in areas where they will not be ruled over or be interfered with by other races—remains the best solution to racial conflict ever devised..
Independence Arch Accra, capital of Ghana.
Ghana became the first country in Africa to grant automatic right of abode to any African in what it calls the “diaspora” in 2001, but the law has not achieved much media coverage, despite already having attracting more than 3,000 blacks from the US.
An article in the Atlanta Black Star from June 2015, revealed that the “right to abode” clause is part of the Ghanaian Immigration Act of 2000, which states that the “concept of right of abode is that person having the right of abode ‘shall be free to live and to come and go into and from the country without let or hindrance.’”
The Ghanaian residency program does have some stipulations. Black people looking to resettle in Ghana must be at least 18-years-old, of good character, financially independent, and not been convicted of a criminal offense and sentenced to imprisonment of 12 months or more.
A 2015 article in The Africa Report interviewed one of the American blacks who has moved to Ghana, Jerome Thompson. The article continued:
Located only 500 meters from the water, Thompson’s house is resilient to the effects of the salt and wind. The floors, windows and doors are made of hard wood. His self-designed furniture is made from quality Ghanaian timber and hand-carved by local artisans.
“The ocean helps me fall asleep and wakes me up in the morning,” says Thompson, an African-American retiree taking a stroll on the beach where palm trees shade hand-carved canoes.
“Where else can I live this close to the ocean? It would cost me millions of dollars!”
Thompson, a native of Maryland in the United States, retired to Ghana 11 years ago. He first visited the West African country on a tour in 2000.
“I fell in love with Ghana and its people,” he recalled, during an interview with Africa Renewal. “It was good seeing black people, my people, in charge of the country (Ghana).”
There are “administrative problems,” The Africa Report said, but “despite some initial setbacks, people of African descent continue to migrate to the continent, though not in the expected droves.
And like Florindo Johnson, who just retired from Delta Airlines this January, says: it is important to encourage more blacks to come.
Having flown in and out of Ghana for nine years, Johnson, a Caribbean who lived in Chicago, is retiring in Ghana to operate her six apartments in Prampram that she intends to rent out as holiday accommodations.
“I really want black people to come and see for themselves. It is disheartening that a lot of black people don’t want to come because of what they’ve seen in the media, yet white people come.”
The existence of Ghana’s right of abode law—which is overtly racial in nature—is of course modelled after Israel’s “right of return” law, which also grants residence and citizenship to anybody who can prove themselves to be racially descended from Jews, no matter where they find themselves in the world.
The racial basis of these laws attracts little controlled media attention because they are implemented by blacks and Jews respectively, but this alone is not a reason to reject them. In fact, a European state—or states—which adopted such a law might very well do so by pointing to the fact that Israel and Ghana already have such laws.
The principle of separation—and thereafter friendly cooperation—provides the only working model whereby racial conflict can be avoided.
Once each race has its own living space, conflict with others is removed as a factor. They will then have the ability to develop according to their own culture, traditions, needs, and wants—without the disharmony, instability, and clashes which mar all heterogeneous societies—and which can be seen playing out on the streets of America and Europe today.
* The full text of the “right of abode” law reads as follows:
The concept of right of abode under Immigration Law is that person having the right of abode” shall be free to live and to come and go into and from the country without let or hindrance” Section 17(1) of the Immigration Act 2000, Act 573 provides that subject to this section the Minister may on an application and with the approval of the president grant the status of right of abode to any of the following persons.
A person of African descent in the Diaspora
A person of African descent in the Diaspora to be considered for the status of right of abode if he satisfies the Minister that he
A.) Is of good character as attested to by two Ghanaian who are notaries public, lawyers, senior public officers or other class of person approved of by the Ministers.
- B) Has not been convicted of any criminal offence and been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of twelve (12) months or more
- C) Is of independent means
- D) Is in the opinion of the Minister capable of making a substantial contribution to the development of Ghana and
- E) Has attained the age of eighteen (18) years.
This is absolute commonsense. Freedom of association with one’s own race . This way , no one can say they’re being ruled by a different race so if things do or don’t turn out for Ghana( or whatever country adopted this ) then blame can not be placed at another race’s door. Brilliant in it’s simplicity. Let’s hope this road map catches on. We desperately need this in the UK & Europe.
Would like to know more on.the process on right to abode, such as where to obtain application
Sounds okay but I’m not sure if the Ghanian “law”, whose result might be a separation of the black and white races, is indeed so very pioneering. Way earlier there was a system called “the apartheid.” Today, after it’s been long gone, one can appreciate how right and fair it was. Also morally.
Hello, I am quite new to this site, but I was wondering what the thoughts were on the story in the Sun newspaper today, about the “White Ghetto” areas in Africa.
(See https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/1912032/astonishing-pictures-show-life-inside-south-africas-white-squatter-camps-which-were-formed-in-the-wake-of-apartheid/ )
Could these people be of use, relocated, assisted as part of establishing stock for a homeland for European peoples? What would they have to lose? What would the project have to lose? (Perhaps a lack of shared ideology on their part, required to sustain the homeland?).
Could it be possible to crowd-fund efforts to pull suitable people out of these circumstances? Or is sadly beyond help? I have no idea what the situation and culture is. How could it be achieved in reality, if it was feasible?
I think it would take somebody with real and genuine insight into Africa and such people to answer my questions.
We hardly hear of the plight of all the farmers who are being butchered and/or thrown off their farms, but many will never have heard that whites are now reduced to living in ‘squatter camps’ and succumbing to all sorts of trappings (like drugs) that tend to come with it.
Getting generally well-off Europeans to relocate to a new project for a homeland my be a tough (and long) project until the proverbial hits the fan…..but what about those who may jump at the chance to have a better shot at life and have absolutely nothing to risk or lose?
Apologies if this has already been considered and covered on the site.
Absolute great idea that should be considered BA.
Great post and sadly not pursued. For the sake of clarity, the people mentioned in your link are from the Southern end of Africa (South Africa)
Excellent initiative from Ghana that should be generalized to every country on Earth (asia for asians, africa for africans and “gasp” europe for europeans).
However, the law is win-win for Ghana but lose-lose for the USA: by only accepting “independent means” and “not been convited of criminal offense superior to 12 months) they are excluding the VAST MAJORITY of AMerican Blacks who the USA will be stuck with.
So the USA sends Ghana its best elements and keeps the trash?? I don’t see how this is good for the USA
One must note that there is absolutely zero outcry as to the Ghanian’s 100% racial (exclusively black) immigration policy.
I wonder why it’s not acceptable for “white” countries to exclude certain racial groups, yet here it’s a law that’s celebrated
Second thing to note is that they do it for peace’s sake. .