Another Reader Reviews Nova Europa

By Oswald Cobblepot. Nova Europa by Arthur Kemp will go down as a seminal work in the future history books of European man, should people of European heritage take the proper steps to avert the impending browning and Third World conversion of western countries in the mid to late 21st century.



Most every person involved in the cause of White Advocacy is by now tired of speakers and endless books which are nothing but incessant complaints, depressing ‘woe is me’ talk and which are totally devoid of tangible solutions.  Indeed, it is easy to point out the problems of our age.

Many a prominent personality in this line of work have gone to their graves without leaving behind any solution to our people’s predicament.  In this regard Mr. Kemp is a veritable revolutionary in thinking.

His work is an instruction manual on how we will deal with a darkening world if we wish to survive into the next century.  In the last decade a number of writers have introduced to the concept and necessity of a European ethnostate.

But Mr. Kemp is perhaps the first author to take the ethnostate idea and run with it.

He is the first to talk about how one is brought into existence.  This book offers the initiate the basic information of how to organize our forces to bring about a European ethnostate in the coming decades.

In light of the coming demographic catastrophe, such a state will be the only sanctuary where Europeans will be able to survive, save their unique culture and exercise self-determination over their affairs.

For our purposes, the term “European” shall henceforth be used to designate people of the Caucasian race whose ancestral home is Europe regardless of where they might be presently located i.e. Europe, North America, Australia, South Africa, etc.   “White” shall serve as a synonym for “European”.

Demographics is destiny.  Humanity and this world are facing an ecological crisis like never before.  At this juncture people of European extraction are facing an existential crisis for their very survival.

They comprise only 8% of the world population and due to insufficient reproduction they are shrinking in number and are the only race of people on the globe in such peril.  Due to traitors in their midst the floodgates to the third world were opened shortly after the conclusion of WWII, which was less a world war and more a fratricidal civil war fought among the most fit of many European nations.  No less than fifty million Europeans, whether solider or civilian, died in that sordid conflict.

British readers are well aware of the symbolism of the HMS Windrush landing at Tilbury in 1948 with its cargo of Jamaicans.   In other countries of western Europe similar colonization was initiated whether it was permitting the entry of Algerians into France or Turks into West Germany under the guise of Gastarbeiter (guest workers).

Immigration in the US had been highly restricted following WWI but with the passage of the Immigration Reform Act of 1965 the flood gate to the Third World were opened wide.   At the time the United States was roughly 89% white and a 11% black.  According to the 2010 census Whites had fallen to 62%.  This number is skewed upward by including Arabs and central Asians as “white” and totally neglecting the 20-30 million illegal aliens (mostly Mexicans) residing on US territory.

Regarding present demographic trends the author makes this depressing pronouncement, “It is clear to all but the incurably stupid, ignorant, or deliberately blind, that if the current trends continue, European people, and European people alone, will be physically exterminated from Western Europe within one hundred years.” (p. 22)

In the controlled media of our disappearing homelands one sometimes hears of a “mass migration” of people.  Yes, multitudes of people are on the move from one country to another.  But what the media fails to mention is that this “mass migration” is in one direction only i.e. from the Third World (non-white countries) to the First World (white countries).

In the Introduction Mr. Kemp breaks the ice on this subject by saying,  ”The flow was a trickle in the first two decades following the end of the Second World War, but has, in the last twenty or thirty years, turned into a veritable tidal wave.  Currently demographic trends have already turned Europeans into minorities in major cities of the US, and increasing numbers of major cities in western Europe.

This trend is speeding up exponentially.  Simply put, the European people are being racially displaced from their traditional heartlands through mass Third World immigration.  It is ONLY happening in the First World.  The populations of the Third World are completely unaffected by his “mass migration of peoples.  The European people are the ONLY ones who are threatened with extinction through this process.  There is no danger that the Indian people are going to disappear.” (pp. 1-2)  The same can be said of the African and Chinese people.

In what way are Europeans different from these other races and cultures such that only Europeans are threatened with extinction?  The answer is extremely simple and obvious.  ”It is because all the other people of the earth have homelands, or heartlands, where they can maintain their racial integrity and identity, no matter what else happens elsewhere  in the world.  No matter how much the miscegination process continues elsewhere, China will always be Chinese.  Japan will always be Japanese.  Africa will always be African.” (p. 2)

The political and logistical process of turning European nations into outposts of the Third World is called Multiculturalism by the shadowy cabal behind the program.  Such nation wreckers are sociopaths.

Regarding this infernal plan the author makes the following comments, “It is ironic that those who seek to blend and destroy individual racial identities are the biggest enemies of diversity, while simultaneously claiming to support diversity.  The end result of that form of diversity is the exact opposite of their stated goal:  the destruction of individual identities and ultimately, the destruction of diversity.” (p. 4)

Mr. Kemp, himself a former spokesman for the British National Party, is not optimistic about the chances of those Europeans opposed to the invasion having any success at the ballot box.  The only chance at a political solution would be a revolution or coup d’etat.  ”Such a revolution would entail and anti-immigration party or movement coming to power in one or more the nations involved, and subsequently stemming the Third World Immigration flood.” (p. 25)

 He is most optimistic about Austria and the rise of Freedom Party but makes no comment on developments in Hungary (Jobbik) or Greece (Golden Dawn).

Changing demographics are quickly closing the window on the “Democratic Participation Route”.  By 2019 half of people 18 and under in the United States will be non-white and many western European countries are not far behind.

The author writes that, “This exponential growth among the younger element of the population, combined with the steady dying off of the aging white population, means that racial demographic change will come far more quickly — and far more suddenly — that what many people expect.” (pp 26-27)

When questioned whether it is worthwhile for White Advocates to take part in a political process stacked against them the author replies in the affirmative.  He states, “… it is vital that modern, non-supremacist, ethnonationalist political parties and movements should increase their activities and participation, for two very important reasons:

1.  It remains the best and easiest way to spread the message of ethnonationalism, which is vital for any potential solution to the crisis facing European man;

2. One or more of these attempts to take power might even be successful, and subsequently reverse the demographic crisis.  Such an event (say, for a theoretical example, in Austria — not utterly impossible at time of writing) could conceivably change the chessboard once again and spark off a domino effect on the other nations.” (pp. 28-29)

There are many people on the pro-European side who sit smugly sit back waiting for an “economic collapse” to awaken the masses from their slumber.   The author strongly argues against this lacksadaisical approach.

“Indeed, the much-vaunted “economic collapse” will, ironically, inevitably come once the West has been colonized by the Third World.  By then, of course, the demographics might very well resemble Zimbabwe, and that is hardly any solace or hope to an aging and tiny, beleaguered white minority.”(p. 29)  On this subject the author speaks with authority as he was born and spent his early life in Rhodesia before it was turned into the personal fiefdom of Robert Mugabe.

Mr. Kemp is not someone to put all his eggs in one basket.  Given the dire circumstances his recommendations to us are:

“1. Continue, for as long as possible, with public political activity which is designed primarily to racially awaken as many whites as possible to the reality of the racial problems and its impact upon the future survival of Western civilization

2.  Start creating autonomous European communities in all nations and areas where it is practically possible to so; and
3.  Ultimately, create a European ethnostate(s) to serve as a homeland in which the unique and valuable European people can be preserved.” (p. 30)

A fraudulent history is being employed against European populations in numerous lands. On some level Whites are being told that their current racial disenfranchisement is some sort of karmic payback for wrongs inflicted on non-Whites in the Third World during the Age of Discovery and the subsequent European colonization of these lands.

Mr. Kemp argues that “all people somewhere and at some time, have blood on their hands” (p. 7) and that “the purpose of learning history is not to exact revenge for past wrongs, but to prevent them from happening again.” (p.   The historical record shows that non-Europeans were the first colonizers of Europe.  ”Prior to 1400 AD, the ‘colonial powers’ were exclusively non-European in nature.” (p. 16)

In 711 the Moors began their conquest of the Iberian peninsula.  After conquering Constantinople and renaming it Istanbul the Ottoman Turks conquered much of southeastern Europe.  Had their advance not been halted in Vienna in 1683 it is conceivable that much of continental Europe might fallen to their clutches.

The author is most certainly not a fan of the subjugation of native peoples by European colonialists in recent centuries.

He eschews any type of racial supremacism, where one race of people lords over another in a superior-inferior relationship.

While he does not name any particular ideology or political organization he says, “A final word on propaganda and presentation:  activists working for the creation of a European ethnostate must understand that ethics, moral codes, and time have changed.  Rhetoric and symbolism which seemed acceptable a few decades ago are nowadays not acceptable at all … in this regards, all presentation and arguments in favor of an ethnostate must be in non-offensive language, and devoid of symbolism which triggers subliminally-primed hate responses.” (pp 71-72)

He warns against Second World War and Civil War political necrophilia: “…masquerading in the uniforms of bygone eras serve no purpose except to fall into the powerful psychological trap set by the enemies of European man.” (p. 29) All ideas of the ‘inferiority’ or ‘superiority’ of one culture versus another must disappear from our rhetoric.

Mr. Kemp cleverly points out that proponents of self-determination are in fact the opposite of racial supremacists.  ”A proponent of self-determination … seeks no such supremacy and specifically eschews the claim to rule over others … In the European sense, the demand for self-determination is therefore, the very opposite of “white supremacism.” (p. 10)

The fourth chapter of the book is entitled, “Moral, Legal, and Historical Justification for a European Homeland.”  Here the author cites United Nations documents and conventions regarding the rights of indigenous people.  But what is an indigenous people?

In 2004 the  UN’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) defined an indigenous people as follows:  ”Indigenous communities, peoples and nations are those which, having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct from other sectors of the societies now prevailing on those territories, or parts of them.” ( p. 37)

As the territories of First World people are now being colonized by people from the Third World, the “pre-invasion and pre-colonial” stipulation is being fulfilled to our benefit.

To put it most simply, “those people who have traditionally occupied an area, and who are under threat from colonization by outsiders, qualify as “indigenous,” by the establishment’s own definitions.” (p. 39)

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples states, “Indigenous peoples have the collective and individual right to maintain and develop their distinct identities and characteristics…” (p. 38)

Thus, the demand for European self-determination and a European homeland “is therefore completely legally justified.

They meet all the criteria for defintion as an indigenous people — of Europe — in exactly the same way that all other ethnic groups do, and who are accorded such status.” (p. 39)

On pp. 34-35 Mr. Kemp cites numerous examples of indigenous homelands.  The Inuit homeland of Nunavat created for the indigenous people of northern Canada in 1999 is larger than western Europe.

In Columbia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Guyana and Peru territories have been set aside for Indians.

In the far north of Russia ten “okrugs” have set aside for indigenous people.  Fifteen percent of the surface area of India is set aside for pre-Vedic indigenous people.

In Chapter Five the author presents a case study of Orania, a thriving European oasis in the middle of the Karoo Desert of South Africa.  In 1990 a small consortium of white Afrikaners under the leadership of Professor Carel Boshoff purchased the then abandoned town of Orania on the banks of the Orange River.

Boshoff was a visionary in that he perceived the white minority rule of South Africa, better known as Apartheid, as fleeting.  Inevitably he reasoned, “the reality of demographics would overtake the strength of the white-controlled infrastructure, and a handover of power to the black majority would follow.”  (p. 43)

This is exactly what happened in 1994.   Boshoff saw that there was an alternative to the false dichotomy of white supremacist minority rule versus black majority rule.  Boshoff opted for a third alternative:  to lay the foundation for an independent Afrikaner territory which could one day evolve into a “volkstaat”.

Initially it was difficult to attract settlers because the use of black labor within the settlement was forbidden.  Afrikaners, who have been notoriously dependent on cheap black labor, were hard to win over for residence in a town where all labor is “do it yourself.”

Boshoff chose Orania because it is in the sparsely populated Northern Cape province.   As of 2010 only 2.3% of South Africa’s population lived in this province and with the inward migration of only 500,000 more Afrikaners an Afrikaner majority could be formed.  As of this juncture Orania has about 1000 inhabitants with many arriving each day.

It is the only municipality in the country with balanced books.  There are now two schools with an enrollment of over 200.  Children are seen everywhere.  The town council promotes large families by paying parents £1000 per birth.

According to Mr. Kemp, “Orania exports jewelry to the whole of South Africa, air-freighted vegetables to British supermarkets and pecan nuts to China.  The community is probably the greenest in South Africa:  all farming is organic, everything is recycled and alternative energy is used.” (p. 46)

Since 2004 Orania has had its own internal currency, the ‘Ora’ which currently trades 1:1 with the South African Rand.  This helps to keep Oranian money in Orania.  According to a 2012 article by the Sunday Times of London there is a building boom in Orania.  Plots of land which went for £1000 four years ago now sell for £20,000.

The same article reveals its anti-white bias by opining, “This is, visibly, a whites-only community, something that’s not supposed to exist in the Rainbow Nation.  Yet here the old idyll  of white South Africa has been fully reinvented.  People leave their keys in their cars, live with their doors open and children play, unmonitored, in the street until dark.” (p. 45)

The Orania movement is confident that once black run South Africa inevitably collapses the white masses will be knocking at their door.  The present leader of the Orania movement Carel IV Boshoff, son of the founder, has openly said on the Afrikaans language TV channel Kyknet that Oranians are realistic about obtaining their independence, their ultimate goal.

The following are in the author’s opinion the lessons to be learned from Orania:

1.  No matter what the historical claims might be, real power only comes from demographic majority possession.

2. It is better to deal with current reality that provoke an unwinnable conflict;

3.  Self determination will only come in stages as a population base is built up.  This means that unrealistic demands for “independence” when the majority of the population in the area does not support such a drive, is a daydream fantasy.

Orania offer the only hope for Afrikaner survival, and, even more importantly, has mapped out the path for beleaguered First World populations all over the world.” (pp. 50-51)

Chapter Six presents a case study on Zionism and the founding of the State of Israel.  The Jewish Austro-Hungarian journalist Theodor Herzl formally launched the Zionist movement in 1896 with the publication of his pivotal book, Der Judenstaat (the Jewish State).  Fifty two years later Israel was founded.  Unfortunately Herzl died at the age of 44 in 1904 and did not live to see the culmination of his visionary ideas.

It goes without saying that a gentile European version of Der Judenstaat is long overdue.  My hope is that Mr. Kemp will undertake the future authorship of such a tome, that he will be the Herzl of the threatened European peoples.

Herzl’s recommendations in his book were highly detailed.   Mr. Kemp quotes from Chapter Two of Der Judenstaat.  ”The plan, simple in design, but complicated in execution, will be carried out by two agencies:  The Society of Jews and the Jewish Company.  The Society of Jews will do the preparatory work in the domains of science and politics, which the Jewish Company will afterwards apply practically.  The Jewish Company will be the liquidating agent of the business interests of departing Jews, and will organize commerce and trade in the new country.  We must not imagine the departure of the Jews to be a sudden one.  It will be gradual, continuous, and will cover many decades.  The poorest will go first to cultivate the soil.  In accordance with the a preconceived plan, they will construct roads, bridges, railways and telegraph installations, regulate rivers and build their own dwellings; their labor will create trade, trade will create markets and markets will attract new settlers …” (p. 55)

The role of the Jewish Company, later renamed the Jewish Agency, is elaborated in the third chapter of Herzl’s book.  The main tasks of the Jewish Company are to raise money, purchase land, promote Jewish immigration and develop industry.  Herzl writes, “The Jewish Company is partly modeled on the lines of a great land-acquisition company.   It might be called a Jewish Chartered Company, though it cannot exercise sovereign power, and has other than purely colonial tasks … The Jewish Company will be founded as a joint stock company subject to English jurisdiction, framed according to English laws, and under the protection of England.  Its principal center will be London.” (pp. 56-57)

Herzl predicted in the fourth chapter of his book that anti-Semitism and persecution of Jews would be the biggest “push” encouraging immigration to Palestine.  Less than 10% of German Jews harbored Zionist inclinations prior to Hitler but after the Second World War millions of Jews departed Europe for Israel.  The anti-white nature of collapsing America, England, et al can be harnessed for our purpose in the future if we take the necessary steps of setting up an embryonic European ethnostate.

In August 1897 Herzl put on the First Zionist Conference in Basel, Switzerland.  Two hundred Jews from seventeen countries attended.  They drew up a manifesto known henceforth as the “Basel Program” which read as follows:

“Zionism aims at establishing for the Jewish people a publicly and legally assured home in Palestine.  For the attainment of this

1.  The promotion of the settlement of Jewish agriculturalists, artisans, and tradesmen in Palestine.

2. The federation of all Jews into local or general groups, according to the laws of the various countries.

3. The strengthening of the Jewish feeling and consciousness.

4.  Preparatory steps for the attainment of those governmental grants which are necessary to the achievement of the Zionist purpose.” (p. 59)

The next Zionist Conference met in 1901.  Progress on their goals was reported at length and new goals were set.  Subsequent conferences were held approximately two years apart except during the interruption of the world wars.   The British “Balfour Declaration” of 1917 marked the first time that the Zionist colonization effort had received formal recognition at the international level.  An “Extraordinary Zionist Conference” consisting of 600 delegates from 18 countries was held in the middle of WWII at the Biltmore Hotel in New York City in May 1942.  The following conference was held in London in August 1945.

We White Advocates have the benefit of something Herzl could only have dreamed of: the internet.   At least in the preliminary stages of organizing for a European ethnostate no travel would be necessary.  Activists from across the globe could easily participate in video-conferencing from the convenience of their home offices.

While the author is no fan of terrorism he does mention how Zionist extremists employed terrorism against the British forces in Palestine.  The “Jewish Resistance Movement” (JRM) became an umbrella group for terrorist factions such as the Lehi, Irgun and Haganah.  Their bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, which housed ranking British civil servants and military leadership greatly demoralized British forces.  Likewise, the unprovoked slaughter of more than 100 Palestinian civilians at the village of Deir Yassan struck fear into many Palestinians and caused a great many to flee for their lives to the East thereby depopulating many villages.

When Herzl wrote Der Judenstaat he suggested that the Jewish homeland be constructed in either Argentina or Palestine.  Mr Kemp tell us that “the most difficult step in creating a European ethnostate is not the physical establishment of such a state; it is the gathering together of the political will to achieve that idea.” (p. 64)  Following the creation of such political will come the second hardest part, choosing a territory.

In his book Herzl wrote, “Shall we choose Palestine or Argentina?  We shall take what is give us, and what is selected by Jewish public opinion.  The Society will determine both these points … Argentina is one of the most fertile countries in the world, extends over a vast area, has a sparse population and mild climate …. Palestine is our ever-memorable historic home.  The very name of Palestine would attract our people with a force of marvelous potency.” (p. 56)

In criticism of the Zionist colonization of Palestine Mr. Kemp writes, “The relative success of the Zionist experiment has been obtained at massive cost, mainly in human terms by the native Palestinian population.  This has in turn sparked decades of conflict, which in macro-geopolitical terms, has led to wars in the entire Middle East as America has had to rush to Israel’s aid time and time again.” (p. 63)

In hindsight selecting a portion of sparsely populated Argentina might have avoided this humanitarian debacle all together.  Indeed, the less populated a territory, the more favorable its chances for colonization.

In Chapter Seven entitled “The Plan and its Implementation” the author comments on the collective psychopathology of the European masses.

For the past sixty or so years the pro-White cause has  been an abject failure.   Despite massive educational and political efforts, the White masses have not woken up to the peril they face.

Writing earlier on p. 30 Mr. Kemp states, “It has been a fundamental core-of-faith belief among pro-white activists in various political parties in Europe, America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, that is is somehow possible to win over the majority support of whites in those nations to the idea of ethnic survival.”

Yet for numerous  reasons they have failed to yield any significant results.  ”In spite of all the facts about race, history, IQ, and genetics and with myriads of examples from which to learn (the black destruction of Detroit, the collapse of post-colonial infrastructure in Africa, Haiti, and other examples too numerous to list here), the has been almost no significant political progress by any pro-European political movement, either in Europe or North America, Australia or New Zealand” (pp. 64-65)

The reality that we as White Advocates must accept is that the white masses have become mindless and cannot be saved.

The author describes these sheeple as “those who vote in their millions for TV spectacles such as the X Factor or get wildly excited over superstar black athletes throwing balls at each other in “Superbowls” and other such panem et circenses.” (p. 65)

How is one to convince millions of white Americans who voted twice for Barack Obama that there is an existential threat facing their progeny?  Would they care even if they were brought up to speed?

The tragic reality is that the vast majority of these people are simply not going to survive.  The laws of Mother Nature are color blind.  Her law is to reproduce and expand or face extermination at the hands of living creatures that do obey this law.

Regarding the fate of the white European race the author pulls no punches:  ”… anyone serious about saving the European people has to understand and psychologically accept that the vast majority of Europeans alive today are not going to be “saved” and that most will die off as result of childlessness, miscegenation, ignorance, or physical extermination by nonwhite races’ more violent criminal element.  Only a minority — and it will be a significant minority, but a minority nonetheless — have the ability to understand the forces of history at work act upon them.  It is to these people that an appeal for the creation of a European homeland is directed, and not at anyone else.” (p. 67)
Any expectation of millions of Europeans flocking to a homeland is pure fantasy.

On page 68 the author makes the observation that “People — even the most ideologically dedicated — will not move unless they are able to earn a living.”

Orania in its beginning consisted mostly of retirees.  But once an infrastructure was built and in place young people began to trickle in, knowing that they had the chance to earn an income.

The Zionist architects of Israel likewise built an industrial infrastructure early on so as to attract working class Jews who needed immediate employment.

Mr. Kemp proposes the creation of a Colonization Company.  It duties would be:

“1. The coordination of fundraising.

2.  The purchase of land in the designated area;

3.  The identification of business opportunities which can be established in the designated area;
4.  The creation of formal employment opportunities; and

5.  The organization of the formal immigration process for groups of settlers.” (p. 69)

Because of modern surveillance techniques at the disposal of existing First World nations it will be highly improbable to stage and succeed at a violent war of independence such as in 1776.

There is no alternative but to slowly take control of a territory by adding population and then declaring independence once it is majority occupied.  As conditions racially deteriorate in western countries knocking them back to Second World status a European ethnostate will seem ever more attractive.

In Chapter Eight entitled “The Territory” Mr. Kemp give some sound advice on choosing a territory.

In the early 21st century there is less free land available for colonization than a century ago.  There are no great empires on the verge of dissolution from which one might snatch a province.  Recall that Palestine was a province of the Ottoman Empire until the empire collapsed in 1918.

In rural America, Canada, Australia and Western Europe the author suggests the selection of small regions, perhaps even a town and target it with colonization.  This would make it easier because it would not require one to leave their present country, only to move from California to North Dakota, for example.

Attracting settlers might be hard at first but time is on our side.  The utter collapse of the infrastructure of western nations is an inevitability given the current population growth in Third World derived peoples.

This collapse is what Orania is waiting for in South Africa.  ”This approach could only be undertaken on the explicit understanding — as the Oranians have accepted — that this is a long-term project which would very likely only result in full proper independence once the “rest” of the “host” nation had collapsed.” (p. 76)

Currently Eastern Europe, those areas which once lay behind the Iron Curtain, is largely untouched by Third World immigration.  Eastern European governments are keenly aware of declining White birth rates and at least in Russia Vladimir Putin has addressed the demographic decline by calling on families with three children to be the norm.

The author suggests that “a committee of responsible, capable, and important people might very well find it possible to approach any of these nations governments directly to address declining population levels through a program of European-inward migration from around the globe, on the understanding that it would buttress and benefit the existing states.” (p. 77)

In the information age discussions about the location of a future European homeland can be done over the internet at Mr. Kemp’s personal website,

In conclusion we should keep in mind that our demand for a European ethnostate is nothing less than the right which is accorded to all the other peoples of this world.

It is in line with the founding charter of the United Nations and numerous international agreements.  We just us much as any other people have the right to self-determination and the right not to be dominated by others.  May the hand of God be with us “Europeanists” in our noble and righteous quest.

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  1. It won’t be easy. We will have to fight hard. But in the end we will win. We are on our own soil and we have nowhere to run to. Under the wise instructions of Kai Murros we will wipe out all and every invasive species, that is not autochthonous to Europe.

  2. Europeans still have a decent chance of reclaiming their homelands from the invaders. Mass opinion can change very rapidly in conditions of economic and social crisis, and white racial consciousness is always just below the surface. Take as evidence of this the rapid increase in support for the Golden Dawn in Greece (I believe they are now polling at around 20%).

    However, we in America are truly fucked. We are essentially already a minority, with more invaders pouring in everyday (and with the new immigration bill, the number of invaders is about to increase drastically even more). Our people are so hopelessly demoralized, there is no party or mass organization that speaks for us. Even the discussion of the possibility of having a white students’ association on a university causes a national controversy and outrage. Making fun of Savior Obama is now a hate crime. And now the rainbow gulag is coming soon to every white community in the country thanks to HUD. This is the price we are paying for our individualist, capitalistic, culture which eschews all forms of collective consciousness. In America, nationalism is not even a word ever used in political discourse, and I know that if I told my family and friends I was a nationalist they would not even know what that means.

    Arthur Kemp’s “Nova Europa” concept is the only possible solution for us in America, because many if not most whites in America will never be reached. Even as society collapses, the most they will do is join the imbecilic “tea party” groups. We cannot reclaim all of America from sea to shining sea, but if we move fast we could having the ground prepared for a White Ethnostate when the inevitable collapse comes. We need a single organization with a sound ideology (No Nazis, KKK, Johnny Rebs, etc.!) that all racially aware whites can join and donate to. I don’t know of any such organization, but hopefully one will be created soon. We may be small in number, but if we are determined and intelligent enough, we will win. Aut viam inveniam aut faciam!

  3. Please identify the name of the sculpture shown, the artist who created it, and where sculpture shown is located. This is a powerful work of art, Thank you,

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