“Nova Europa: European Survival Strategies” has now been translated into six different European languages—reflecting the fact that its message of hope and renewal is spreading in a Pan-European movement.

The English language edition, “Nova Europa: European Survival Strategy in a Darkening World” is available here.
The Spanish language edition, “Nova Europa: Estrategia de Supervivencia Europea en un Mundo que Oscurece” is available here.
The Dutch language edition, “Nova Europa: Europese overlevingsstrategie in een verduisterende wereld” is available here.
The Italian language edition, “Nova Europa Strategia di Sopravvivenza Europea in un Mondo Oscurante,” is available here (and it has been twinned with the “Folk and Nation” book as well, for a full title of “Popolo e Nazione – spiegazione dell’Etnonazionalismo e Nova Europa Strategia di Sopravvivenza Europea in un Mondo Oscurante.”
The German language edition “Nova Europa Strategiekonzept Für Das Überleben Der Europäer In Einer Dunkler Werdenden Welt” is available here.
The French language edition “Bâtir le foyer blanc : Une stratégie de survie pour les Européens devant le flot montant des peuples de couleur” is available here.
Arthur, congratulations! Great news and a very, very important book! I have a question though – have the book been updated with new statistics, or is it the October 2015 edition?
This wonderful book, now available in SIX languages! Thank you so much.
Congratulations! I enjoy this book and I recommend it to any white people of European descent who are concerned about the survival of their people.
Love your site
Just pulled the book out and re-read the plan. Where is everyone heading to?