The remarkable Afrikaner nationalist settlement of Orania in South Africa continues to expand and will soon have the region’s leading shopping center, doctor’s surgery, dentist, and eye specialist—and there is no truth to an internet-based rumor that the town has been outlawed, according to official spokesman.
The claim that the town has been “outlawed” was started on a blog called the “Diversity Times”—which said that a South African Supreme Court ruling had ordered the town to admit black residents.
“There has been no such court case, and no such ruling,” an Orania spokesman responded on Facebook. “The story is a total fabrication,” he continued, adding that there was in any event no “rule” in Orania about who could live there.
Furthermore, he said, it is illegal in terms of the South African constitution to have any sort of racial segregation, and the town adheres to the law of the land—meaning that there would never have been any basis for such a court case in the first place.
“The story is a malicious lie, put around by someone who seeks to undermine the progress Orania has recently made in becoming the beacon for Afrikaner survival,” the spokesman added.
Recent advances in the town, located in the center of South Africa in the Northern Cape, include the construction of the region’s first new shopping center, the creation of a doctor’s surgery, dentist practice, and optometrist for the growing number of residents of the town.
There are officially over 1,000 permanent residents in the town, although it continues to grow by a few dozen each month as increasing numbers of Afrikaners realize that Orania offers the only viable alternative to maintain their identity and culture in the face of mass demographic swamping.
Orania has grown dramatically over the last ten years, by more than 72 percent, and this exponential growth continues, according to the movement’s official blog.
“Orania’s growth is almost completely due to new arrivals, and not by natural reproduction, as the birth and death figures are relatively balanced. As far as the age spread goes, Orania looks very healthy,” the blog continued.
“There are enough children, but the largest group of people is to be found in the economically active ages of between 20 and 60. There are of course also elderly people present, but contrary to the outside perception, they are a small percentage when compared to the age profile of Afrikaners in general, or with other Western nations.”
The Orania blog added that there are more men than women—60 percent to 40 percent—which it says, is “not unusual for a pioneer community and a town whose core industries are agriculture and construction. As the service industries continue to grow, the gender balance will correct itself.”
As far as the surrounding area goes, the Orania blog pointed out, the demographics of the nearby farms are increasingly better due to the continuing process of urbanization which affects the colored population as well, as “mechanization has decreased the need for farm laborers.”
Nonetheless, the Orania blog adds, the demographics mean that the strategy of the Orania Movement must remain focused on building Orania into a small city, rather than trying to take over towns in the region. In this regard, the blog points out, the nearest small town of Strydenburg needs at least 3,000 Afrikaners in order to form a majority there.
“The ongoing purchase of farms is a strategy which is well worthwhile as they increasingly become depopulated and food security becomes an ever-more important issue,” the blog says, concluding by adding that Orania “already owns a large number of surrounding farms.”

I am so happy to see the Afrikaners having the succes they have with their settlement of Orania. They are a very smart people that understand that in order to survive, they have to have an area to call their own.
I hope that we White people in America wake up and realize that in order for our people to survive, we will need to take a geographical location in the United States and turn it into an all White homeland for those of European descent. Otherwise, our people will first become a minority and then become extinct.
As a White woman, I would like to see our people survive and expand.
Good work folks
Dis soo nice sal ook graag daar wil bly
Wonderlik om te sien
It looks very and safe and productive. I wish those hardworking Boers the best. I would love to live there.
Hoe vind ek uit om daar te gaan bly?Ek is so op vir die politiek in ons samelewing daar is nie genoeg woorde om dit te beskryf nie.
Hier – – http://www.orania.co.za/kontak-ons/
Spotless town, one cannot help noticing that in all the photos there is not a shred of garbage or litter anywhere, totally unlike any other town in ZA where tossing litter into the street is so “normal”.
Well done Boers, your very hard work and industry is being noticed and you will reap the rewards of your labour by enjoying the lifestyle you are creating.
may i ask a question? since it is not prohibited for native africans to reside in Orania why aren’t there any? its better of that way mind you. But it sounds a bit too fishy for me that no leftie has yet marketed ‘the beauties’ of racial diversity.
Editor’s answer: There are no Africans in Orania because there is nothing for them to do there. There are no job opportunities, and no manner in which to commute.
G-d bless those people!
Hi, I am a Boer born in East Africa and reside in S. Africa (the country of my fathers birth) I hardly speak Afrikaans, would I be welcome to reside in Orania? Best Boer greetings Robert.
Like a lot of governments say that we must protect the so called indigenous groups because they are a ‘minority ‘ .(think they have a lot of benefits it’s more convenient to be native than white , well that happens in my country )in the future i hope the new governments will protect us like the natives groups because we will be the minority
It seems that they don’t have problems with any race as long as you identify yourself with afrikaner identity. As for towns, I found out that nearest and largest one is Hopetown. I’m apalled however, by the low living standarts in nearby region. This makes me wonder, if people, especially non afrikaners are emigrating or immigrating into said region. If 1st is more true, then It seems that Orania and it’s movement will eventually be able to take over whole region in the future.