Twelve leading members from the Orania Movement will be visiting five European countries from 26 April to 12 May, the Orania organisation has announced.
“The Orania Movement has once again organised a contact-making tour to Europe,” the latest newsletter of the Orania Movement has said.
“This year’s tour will be made by twelve members of the organisation, but executive director Jaco Kleynhans and Carel IV Boshoff are leaving a week earlier to speak to a number of groups in the Netherlands and Belgium.
“Carel Boshoof will give a lecture on 25 April at the University of Antwerp, and the group will also visit Orania support groups in the Netherlands, Flanders, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Meetings have also been scheduled with language and cultural organisations, political parties and influential individuals.
“The purpose of this tour is to strengthen links with Orania supporters and to expand the current network. Several public lectures and discussions will form part of the program which is aimed at making Europeans aware of the Afrikaners’ strivings for self-determination.
“Several Orania support groups in Europe are currently involved in the building of Orania.”
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